Please visit my Sky POD which is my current project. I will be taking a picture a day of the sky (sometimes 2) and posting daily!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lake Champlain Sunset

These were taken Sunday night, 6/17/07.
I'm not sure if I got the sequence exactly right because blogger doesn't have the greatest photo arrange tool.

My favorite one I think!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pretty Sky

These were also taken last night, and I used the "I'm Feeling Lucky" option on Picasa2 which deepened the sky and enhanced the subtleties of the clouds. I like the effect!

Sweet, Sweet Nimbus...

Last night we had a very active thunderstorm! There was lightning every few seconds for a while and then it rained like crazy!!! These were taken around 7:00pm last night.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Another Glorious Summer Day

I love these kinds of days. Hot and sunny but with huge Cumulonimbus on the horizons...

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Milton-Westford Road