Please visit my Sky POD which is my current project. I will be taking a picture a day of the sky (sometimes 2) and posting daily!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sun Shower

I took these on Wednesday when I went for a walk. The sun was shining through a snow cloud and there were these snowflakes floating down all around. It was so pretty...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Eye of the Sky

When I was coming home from the grocery store I saw that the sun looked like a big "eye" coming through the clouds! I took a few pictures of it right off and then a few more when I got home. The first one (and the last one I took) is my favorite!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Rainy Day

It started out so nice....

And then suddenly the clouds came a-rollin' in...

Of course I had to be a MILE away from my house!!!

Random Clouds

I love how the moon was in this pic!! Unfortunately I didn't get the shot I wanted because the camera wouldn't focus for me right off and the wind was blowing so hard that the above clouds flew over it! I was lucky to get this shot at all!

This was last week when I took Alicia out for a walk. Shortly after I (we) got poured on!! Cool clouds before hand though!

Wiiiiiiiiindy Day!

It was pretty hard to hold the camera steady on the Sand Bar in Grand Isle! But I think it was worth it:

Go to my YouTube video of this guy biting the, er, water!

This was from the interstate. You could see the snow coming down hard in the mountains!

I love this spot on the Lake. Brings back memories...

Camel's Hump engulfed in snow clouds

This picture and the next are of the opposite side of the Lake. It is so weird how one side can be so different than the other weatherwise. This side was much less choppy and the sky was much bluer. Very weird! Note the diagonal slant of the snow coming down in the distance! It looked awesome in person.

Morning Front

Last night was the craziest December 1st weather I have ever seen! First it was 63 degrees and windy as all Hell during the day and then it dropped down to low 40's upper 30's at night and we had an intense thunderstorm! It poured for quite a while and the lightning was bright purple!! Then this morning you could see the edge of the front moving out:

Friday, December 01, 2006

Foggy Hill

It has been such odd weather here in Vermont lately! Warm, almost balmy days, and chilly nights. That equals a lot of fog!! Its also been raining a lot and the nice sunny days are few and far between. Today is a perfect example of that! Not much to take a picture of. Yesterday was in the 60's but I had to work all day so I didn't get to see/feel any of it. Wah.

Here are some pictures of the Cobble Hill about a mile and a half from my house:

Pretty boring eh?

Sunrise that same morning. A little nicer but still blah in my opinion! After some of the ones I've seen anyway!!
Our first hard frost! Oh, wait that makes me sad... :-(

The Beauty of Thanksgiving

The evening of Thanksgiving had one of the prettiest sunsets I've seen in a while. Having the exquisite view of the Green Mountains (including Camel's Hump) from my Grandmother's house in Graniteville, VT really made it riveting.