Please visit my Sky POD which is my current project. I will be taking a picture a day of the sky (sometimes 2) and posting daily!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Foggy Hill

It has been such odd weather here in Vermont lately! Warm, almost balmy days, and chilly nights. That equals a lot of fog!! Its also been raining a lot and the nice sunny days are few and far between. Today is a perfect example of that! Not much to take a picture of. Yesterday was in the 60's but I had to work all day so I didn't get to see/feel any of it. Wah.

Here are some pictures of the Cobble Hill about a mile and a half from my house:

Pretty boring eh?

Sunrise that same morning. A little nicer but still blah in my opinion! After some of the ones I've seen anyway!!
Our first hard frost! Oh, wait that makes me sad... :-(

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