Please visit my Sky POD which is my current project. I will be taking a picture a day of the sky (sometimes 2) and posting daily!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cleaning out the hard drive...

I took this through my sunglasses :)

Camel's Hump with Cumulus and Cumulonimbus

Fall clouds over Lake Champlain

South Hero, VT

Fall in South Hero, VT

Sunset in Milton, VT

Sundog over Cobble Hill, Milton, VT

Indian Brook Reservoir, Essex, VT


Ruth said...

Can I just say that I love clouds? I think they are amazing! Me and my flatmate share this love and talk about what we would do if we actually became a cloud one day rather often :)

And I love the colour everything goes through sunglasses, I think I prefer it to real life. Everything looks tanned and golden and just out of a road trip movie!


Beth Niquette said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'm just breathless with the beauty of these clouds--I loved each and every mood. WOW!