Please visit my Sky POD which is my current project. I will be taking a picture a day of the sky (sometimes 2) and posting daily!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Cirrus Dump

I have tried to identify these the best I could with the resources I have! There are conflicting names for some of them so I apologize and please correct me if I am wrong on any of them!

Cirrus and contrails

Cirrus uncinus

Cirrus uncinus

Cirrus fibratus (or cirrostratus?) and sun corona

Cirrus vertebratus and intortus

Cirrus Uncinus

Cirrus Spissatus

Cirrus Castellanus

Cirrostratus Undulatus and fragmented stratus

Cirrus Uncinus

Cirrus fibratus

Cirrus spissatus

Cirrus castellanus or cirrocumulus undulatus...not sure


Cirrus spissatus

Cirrus vertebratus

Cirrocumulus? Seems a little flat for that...

Cirrus uncinus and Cirrus fibratus

Cirrus intortus

Cirrus uncinus and Cirrus intortus

Cirrus intortus

Cirrus Uncinus (prime example of "mare's tails")

There's a lot going on in this one lol


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